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你的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 光機械 > 固定器 >Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具

Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具

Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 更新時(shí)間:2023-12-20
  • 產(chǎn)品介紹:Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具The LDM-4405 Laser Diode Mounting Fixture provides a compact, easy to use solution for mounting and temperature controlling TO-Can packaged laser diodes.
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Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具




The LDM-4405 Laser Diode Mounting Fixture provides a compact, easy to use solution for mounting and temperature controlling TO-Can packaged laser diodes. The fixture accommodates 5.6mm and 9mm TO-Can laser diodes with 3 pins. A wide temperature control range is accomplished by an integrated thermoelectric module which provides for an active control range of +10°C to 85°C with heat loads up to 500 mW. A nitrogen purge system is incorporated to keep the laser free from condensation when operated in a humid environment. The LDM4405 is compatible with ILX Lightwave current sources, temperature controllers, and laser diode controllers through interconnect cabling allowing for quick setup. The fixture is compatible with both ANSI and metric optical table post mounts. The compact profile of the LDM-4405 provides for convenient mounting on an optics table and the unobstructed access to the laser window allows space for aligning collimating optics.

Newport 激光二極管安裝夾具?技術(shù)參數

包裝類(lèi)型3-pin & 4-pin TO-Can

TE 冷卻器3.9 A, 3.7 V maximum

溫度范圍10 to 85°C

溫度傳感器10 kΩ NTC Thermistor

大電流500 mA

激光器驅動(dòng)接頭類(lèi)型DB9 Female

TEC控制器連接端類(lèi)型DB9 Male

尺寸57.2 x 50.8 x 40.6 mm


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